his are the exersices of HTML SoloLearn Course
I`m learning HTML on SoloLearn!
This is another paragraph
This is
a line break
An example of formatting elements to display special types of texts
This is a regular text
This is a bold text
This is an italic text
This is a small text
This is a strong text
This is a subscripted text
This is a inserted text
This is a deleted text
This text is aligned to center
This is a text,aligned to the left, with an horizontal line of 50 % width alignt to the right.
Let`s see an image of a lovely running puppy
To see more puppy pics click here
This is an ORDERED LIST example
- One item of the list
- Another item of the list
This is an UNORDERED LIST example
- One item of the list
- Another item of the list
Un unordered list with the A item linked to SoloLearn web page
- A
- B
One example of a table with first row and three columns and second row with two colomns, one is two colomn span
first column |
second column |
third column |
first column |
second and third column span |
Day |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
8-8:30 |
Learn |
9-10 |
Practice |
Learn |
1-1:30 |
Play |
Code |
3:45-5 |
Code |
6-8:30 |
Discuss |
Example of a div tag element to style blocks of content
Some paragraph text goes here.
Another paragraph goes here.
Example of the span element used together with CSS, to style parts of the text
Some Important Message
A form requesting a username and password
Example of INPUT TYPE RADIO, that allows the user select only one of a number of choices
Select your gender
Example of INPUT TYPE CHECKBOX, that allows the user to select more than one option
Do you have any pets?
I´d created a Contact Form, including: Name, Email, and Message fields, and has a Submit button.
Contact Me
SoloLearn Media
Follow Me
Instagram: maria.eugenia.19
LinkedIn: maríaeugeniacosta